PoC Framework

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NFV ISG has developed an NFV PoC Framework to coordinate and promote multi-vendor Proofs of Concept illustrating key aspects of NFV ISG work.

Learn more about NFV ISG PoCs

Framework Document

The PoC Framework document can be downloaded at:

NFV-PER002-PoC Framework - pdf version.

NFV-PER002-PoC Framework - Word version.

You'll find the templates for PoC Proposals and PoC Reports at the end of those documents.


See below some usual questions about the NFV ISG PoCs:

I would like to submit a POC proposal where can I find a Word version of the template?
You can find a link to the word version of the PoC Framework (including the templates) at:
NFV-PER002-PoC Framework - Word version  
Do all of the POC participants have to be NFV ISG participants?
No, it is only required that (at least) one of the supporting Network Operators or Service Providers 
is member of the NFV ISG. 
See Section 4.5 of the PoC Framework:
“4.5 NFV ISG PoC Proposal Acceptance Criteria 
The criteria for acceptance of NFV ISG PoC Proposals are: 
1)	The NFV ISG PoC Proposal shall contain the information requested in the format of the NFV ISG PoC
Proposal Template of clause A.1. 
2)	The organizations participating in an PoC Project shall include at least two Manufacturers and at
least one Network Operator or one Service Provider, where at least the one Network Operator or the one  
Service Provider shall be a member of the NFV ISG (refer clause A.1.1). “
Where do I send the completed proposal?
Once your proposal completed, you need to:
1)	upload it to the ETSI portal as a regular contribution
2)	send an email to NFV_POC@LIST.ETSI.ORG with [NFV ISG PoC Proposal] in the subject line and a link to 
the uploaded contribution included in the body. To be able to post your email, you will need to subscribe to 
that list if not already done.
See section 4.3 of the PoC Framework below, and do not hesitate to get back to NFVsupport if you need further 
help to upload your proposal to the portal.
“4.3 NFV ISG PoC Proposal Submission 
PoC Team formation is beyond the scope of the NFV ISG. The PoC Team shall prepare an NFV ISG PoC Proposal 
according to the NFV ISG PoC Proposal template in clause A.1. The PoC Proposal shall be submitted to the NFV 
ISG as a contribution uploaded on the ETSI Portal and a link to the contribution shall be sent to the 
dedicated e-mail distribution list ‘NFV_POC@LIST.ETSI.ORG' with [NFV ISG PoC Proposal] in the subject line.”

ETSI CTI Support

The ETSI Center for Testing and Interoperability (CTI) has experience in supporting the organization of technology evaluations and interoperability events (in many ways similar to PoCs).

This experience may be useful to assist the PoC teams with test expertise, administration and project management support.

NFV ISG PoC Teams may request CTI assistance by contacting ETSI CTI.


Learn more about NFV at ETSI